Science Direct provides access to abstracts and full text articles in science, engineering, business and humanities journals published by Elsevier. This database is useful for a range of subjects including finance, marketing, psychology, social sciences, tourism civil engineering and electronic engineering.
Access the world’s leading scholarly literature in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities and examine proceedings of international conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops, and conventions.
The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
Off campus access assigned on individual basis, please contact library to request off campus access.
Provides online building and construction cost and price data. Also available is the BCIS Online Rates Database which is an online price book data from BCIS for estimating the costs of construction projects, including: building maintenance, alterations & refurbishment, civil engineering, major & minor works, painting & decorating, SMM7 and basic plant charges.
Guides by Subject
Open Access - can be read by anyone, no login required.
IReL is a consortium of Irish research libraries, providing access to licensed e-resources, OA publishing agreements, and open science infrastructure. ATU is a member of this consortium since January 2023.
Read and Publish deals allow corresponding authors from ATU to publish their articles open access immediately on publication.
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