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Publishing: a Guide for Researchers

Guide to information on Green and Gold open access

Finding Where to Publish

ATU getting published banner


Make Your Research Count...

Publish where your research will have the greatest impact!


Scopus lets you compare up to 10 different journals via a graph or a table based on different indicators.

How do I compare sources? - Scopus

Edanz Journal Selector

Search over 28,000 journals and 7.5 million abstracts to find the journal that's right for you.

Elsevier Journal Finder

Discover which journals are most relevant to your research.

Manuscript Matcher

From EndNote Online you can now match the best journals for your research. With a few key pieces of information - your title, abstract, and references Manuscript Matcher can help you find the right journal for your manuscript.

JANE - Journal / Author Name Estimator

Have you written a paper but not sure which journal you should submit it to? Or maybe you want to find relevant articles to cite in your paper? Or are you an editor, and do you need to find reviewers for a particular paper? Jane can help!

Author Disambiguation

Because multiple researchers in the same or different fields may have the same first and last names, there is an author ambiguity problem within the scholarly research community. To circumvent this problem, the idea of assigning each researcher a "unique author identifier" comes into play.

It is important to distinguish your body of research and scholarly works from other authors, for example to demonstrate impact to funding bodies or to facilitate collaborations with other researchers. This can be challenging particularly for authors with common surnames. The Orcid and ResearchID tools are available to help you disambiguate yourself from other researchers and to compile and showcase your own work for the scholarly community at large.

Choose the Right Journal for your Research

Open Access Publishing

Open Access (OA) publishing means making research publications freely available so anyone can benefit from reading and using research.

ATU's Open Access publishing options:

Watch out for predatory publishers! 

List of questionable, scholarly open-access publishers.


Zenodo is a general-purpose open-access repository developed under the European OpenAIRE program and operated by CERN.

It allows researchers to deposit research papers, data sets, research software, reports, and any other research related digital artefacts. Each submission is assigned a persistent digital object identifier (DOI), which makes the stored items easily findable, accessible and citeable.


Why use Zenodo?

  • Safe — your research is stored safely in CERN’s Data Centre.
  • Trusted —  operated by CERN and OpenAIRE to ensure that everyone can join in Open Science.
  • Citeable — all uploads are assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), to make them citable and trackable.
  • No waiting time — uploads are made available online straight away, and your DOI is registered within seconds.
  • Open or closed — share anonymized  trial data with only medical professionals via their restricted access mode.
  • Versioning — easily update your dataset with their versioning feature.
  • Usage statistics — all uploads display standards compliant usage statistics.


Zenodo is run by leading practitioners according to best practices.

Find out more about Zenodo.

Publisher Advice on Getting Published


Writing for Academic Journals
Publishing From Your PhD : Negotiating a Crowded Jungle
Write More, Publish More, Stress Less!
Academic and Professional Publishing
Title: Publish Don't Perish: 100 Tips That Improve Your Ability to Get Published
Academic writing and publishing : a practical guide

Publishing Your Thesis

All postgraduate thesis are made available in electronic format via the Research@THEA institutional repository for consultation publicly via the web under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs license.

Online publication of a thesis permits immediate access from anywhere in the world and offers the potential for a thesis to be cited more often in other research; giving ATU research more exposure.

Candidates must submit an electronic copy of their thesis to the library.

Simply email it to:

Creative Commons & Copyright

Elsevier Publishing Campus

A free online platform offering lectures, interactive training and advice from professional.

If you are interested in writing a journal article or submitting a book proposal, if you are learning how to conduct peer review for a high impact journal or trying to understanding research and publishing ethics or writing a successful grant application, whatever it is Elsevier Publishing Campus may have the resources to help you achieve your goal.

Web of Science Citation Map

A Citation Map is a graphical depiction showing the citation relationships (cited references and citing articles) between a paper and other papers using several visualization tools.

Using citation mapping, you can analyse which researchers are citing you. You can also set up a graphical representation of the papers that you have cited your published work.

To view a citation map simply click on the title of a publication within a results list in Web of Science. From the menu on the left choose 'View Citation Map' and select the citation direction required (forward, back or both).

Call for Papers

Organizations and publishers often issue 'Calls for Papers' on a specific topic, either for upcoming conferences or symposiums or for a special topics issue of a journal publication. 

Conference Alerts - academic conferences worldwide

Researchbib - covers scientific and scholarly events

WikiCFP - semantic wiki for Calls For Papers in science and technology