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Inter-Library Loans and Document Supply

Inter Library Loans and Document Supply Overview

Technical Reports

Technical reports are one type of literature commonly referred to as grey literature.  They can be produced by government agencies or scientific research groups, working papers from research groups or committees, white papers, or preprints. The term grey literature is often, but not exclusively, used for scientific research. 


Technical Report Archive and Image Library

Digitized and archived U.S. federal technical reports issued prior to 1975.

EEC Technical Reports

From UC Berkeley. Computer science technical reports, primarily from universities that grant PhDs in computer science or engineering, but also from some industrial and government research laboratories.

Met Éireann

Conference proceedings, scientific reports, book chapters and other publications by Met Éireann staff members, arranged chronologically. Links to full text are given, where available.

The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies

The collection of Computer Science Bibliographies is a collection of bibliographies of science literature in computer science and computational mathematics from various sources, covering most aspects of computer science. The bibliographies are weekly updated from their various locations
