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Postgraduate Students

This Research Support Library guide provides a general resource on research information and will be updated regularly. The Library Subject Guides provide subject specific information and should be used alongside this guide.

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Publishing Your Research

Journal Selection Considerations

Where you publish can be as important as what you publish.

Consider the following when selecting a journal to which to submit your article.

  • Relevance: The journal should publish research that is relevant to your work, the type of article that you want to publish, and reach the audience you want to read your work. For interdisciplinary research, finding a relevant journal may mean looking beyond journals that are in your field.
  • Discoverability: The journal should be indexed by major citation and abstract databases such as PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus.
  • Quality: Where does the journal rank according to impact factor and other measures of journal quality? Who is on the editorial board of the journal?
  • Public Access: Does your article need to comply with the SFI Open Access Availability of Published Research Policy
  • Open Access: Do you wish to publish in an open access journal which will make the full text of your work freely available online at the time of publication?


Evaluating Journal Quality

Google Scholar Top Publications List

List of the top 100 publications according to the h5-index, the h-index for articles published in the last 5 years. Top 20 lists available for several disciplines.

Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association

If you are considering publishing in an open access journal then the publisher of the journal should be on the OASPA membership list.

Elsevier Publishing Campus

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