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About Journals

What are Journals?

Journals are often referred to as periodicals or serials because they are published at regular intervals - weekly, monthly or annually like newspapers and magazines.

Journals are generally published with a volume and issue number and these are important to use when referencing a journal article. 

Why do I need to use a Journal? 

  • They have more up to date information than books. They will always have the most recent information on your topic.
  • Journal articles usually deal with a specific topic in depth.
  • Journals are the main way new research is published.   
  • Journals are critically reviewed by experts. (also known as peer reviewed)
  • To get a wide range of references for your research assignments


Print Journal Collection

Print journals are shelved beside the Library Information Desk on the Info Zone.

The journals are arranged  by Faculty, some of our print journals are also available online - please check Publication finder 

Current issues are displayed to the front with recent issues stored underneath (lift the shelf lid for access)

Print journals cannot be borrowed and are for reference use only within the Info Zone and Quiet Zone of the Library 

Back Issues

The Library has back issues of print journal subscriptions from previous years.

The majority of Journals are stored in the Journal Archive Room in the Learning Zone, these issues can be requested by emailing  and giving details of the journal name, year, volume and issue number. 

A selection of journals are bound in hardback beside the reference collection in the Quiet Zone.

How to Access Sage Journals

Yeats Library Floor Plans

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