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Welcome! This guide will help you find the best resources for Nursing.

Welcome to the Library

This guide will help you:

  • find books, ebooks, journal articles and other information sources
  • manage your references and avoid plagiarism. 

Search our Collections

Search for books, ebooks, journal articles and more in our library discovery service.


  • When you find the book you want you'll see its shelf or class number, this will help you find it in the library.
  • For online items, like eBooks, click on the link to read online.


Top Nursing Databases


Content: Full-text journal articles

Subjects: Nursing and Allied Health

Access from:

Health Source: Nursing

Content: Full-text journal articles

Subjects: Nursing and Allied Health

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Content: Full-text journal articles

Subjects: Science, Nursing and Health, Social Sciences

BNF - British National Formulary

Content: Pharmaceutical reference book

Subjects: Pharmaceuticals

Web of Science

Content: Journal articles (abstracts)

Subjects: Science, Nursing and Health, Social Sciences


Scopus is an expertly curated abstract and citation database that quickly finds relevant and authoritative research, identifies experts, and provides access to reliable data, metrics, and analytical tools.