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Welcome! This guide will help you find the best information sources for Tourism

Welcome to the Library

This guide will help you:

  • find books, ebooks, journal articles and other information sources
  • manage your references and avoid plagiarism. 

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  • When you find the book you want you'll see its shelf or class number, this will help you find it in the library.
  • For online items, like eBooks, click on the link to read online.


Sage Journals

Content: Journal articles

Subjects: Business, humanities, social sciences, and science, technology and medicine.

Access from:
Galway & Mayo

Art Full Text (H.W. Wilson)

Contents: Fulltext articles from more than 300 periodicals dating back to 1995, indexing and abstracting of over 600 periodicals dating as far back as 1984, as well as indexing and abstracting of over 13,000 art dissertations.

Subjects: Archaeology, architecture, art, geography, heritage, tourism .

GreenFILE (EBSCOhost)

Content: Journal articles. Full-text and abstracts

Subjects: Environment, Global Warming, Green Building, Pollution, Sustainable Agriculture, Renewable Energy, Recycling.

Access from:
Galway & Mayo

Business Source Complete (EBSCOhost)

Contents: Full-text content and peer-reviewed business journals.

Subjects: It covers all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, accounting, banking, finance and more. It also includes the full text of Harvard Business Review.

Access from:
Galway & Mayo

Taylor & Francis

Content: A multidisciplinary resource containing online resources for arts, humanities, science, social sciences and medicine disciplines.
Access from:
Galway & Mayo

Mintel (Ireland Reports)

Content: Research and analysis with detailed data on all Ireland’s major business sectors and unrivalled insights into how Irish consumers think, choose, browse and buy.
