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The Library provides access to thousands of journals with the majority available online through the library website.


Why Use Journals?

• To get a wide range of references for your research assignments

• To keep-up-to-date with the latest developments in your subject

• To stay at the top on your subject

• To read articles written or recommended by your tutors

As long as you go via and login in with your ATU email address and network password all journals will be available to you both on and off campus. Please note that you will not get full text access if you go via another route eg straight to the journal website or Google.

Finding a journal title is different to finding a journal article.

Each journal title has a number of individual journal articles in each issue.

Find specific online journal titles using the eJournals Finder

Find journal articles using keywords in Search + Find


Finding Journal Articles

  • Your reading list might contain a journal article like this one:

  • To search for an article, enter the article title and the author’s surname into the Search + Find search box – ”Rethinking Trust” and Kramer
  • Limit your search to journal and magazine articles by clicking “Journal Article” and "Magazine Article" from the "Refine your Search" panel on the left.
  • If the article is available click on the title to view the full article online.

Can’t Access an Article?

Not all articles are available in electronic format (even when the library has access to the electronic journal). This could be due to various reasons:

• Some volumes of a journal might not be included in the library license, or are simply not available in electronic format, in this case check the availability of the journal in printed format.

• Publishers often set an embargo period (6-12 months) for their journals. During this time new articles are not available electronically so cannot be accessed.

• Sometimes there are temporary breaks in the service, try again later.

Can't Find What You Are Looking For?

If the article you are looking for does not appear to read as full text, click on the "Link to full text" button. This is a short cut, which will search to see if the full text version exists in a either electronically in another resource or in print in the library.

If the article you require is not available in full text either electronically or in print you can request it through our Document Supply Service. This service provides access to  journal articles which are held at other libraries in the Ireland and overseas.

Terms & Definitions

You need to be aware of the following terms and definitions with regard to journal content:

Article - The main type of journal content

E-Journal - Published online or available through a database

Full Text - The entire text of the article is available to you online

Citation – Access to the author, title, publication details information

Abstract - A summary of the article

Bibliographic database - Where information about print and electronic journals are generally found

Peer-Reviewed - When an article is Peer-Reviewed, the editors of the journal send it to scholars in the relevant field; e.g., an article about Engineering would go to other engineers.  These scholars provide feedback about the quality of research and presentation of findings, and more.  This ensures that the articles that are published in academic journals have scholastic merit and contribute to the overall research in that field.

Refereed - A Refereed Article is also referred to other scholars in the field.  However, here, the reviews are blind.  The academics conducting the review do not know the name of the author.  In addition, it is often the case that the reviewers' names are not made known to the author.  This ensures that the work is judged solely on its own merit rather than the author's reputation. The manuscript must be reviewed by at least two other people.

Google Scholar Search

Search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites.
