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Enda McDonagh Collection

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The Reverend Professor Enda McDonagh Collection.

Available at Moore Library, ATU Mayo.

Professor Enda McDonagh, who came originally from Bekan, Mayo was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Tuam in 1955. He spent much of his academic career in St Patrick’s College, Maynooth where he was appointed Professor (Emeritus) of Moral Theology; a post he held for 36 years from 1958 to 1995.

Professor McDonagh had longstanding involvement with Irish political and church life. He served as President of the National Conference of Priests in Ireland and was the official chaplain to Mrs Mary Robinson during her term as President of Ireland. He was an elected member of the Senate of the National University of Ireland for 23 years (1972-1995), was appointed chairperson of University College Cork’s Governing Body (1999-2004) and President of the Irish Association (1988-1991). He wrote and contributed to many books and lectured widely in Europe, USA and Africa and was a theological and ethical advisor to NGOs in many countries on development issues, particularly with AIDS victims in Africa and Asia.

The Reverend Professor Enda McDonagh Collection spans the years 1939-2008 comprising of papers regarding McDonagh’s academic career, research interests, publications, speaking engagements, correspondence and representative work with NGO’s and charities at home and abroad. The collection provides a unique insight into the area of moral theology and ethics and provides a perspective on political, social and cultural life in Ireland during his lifetime.

The collection is available for consultation to bona fide researchers, subject to signing a confidentiality agreement and subject to the conditions of access governing consultation of archival material at ATU Library.

The Reverend Professor Enda McDonagh very generously donated his entire personal library to the then Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology library now ATU. Mayo's Moore campus library received the collection in 2008.
