IEEExplore provides full text access to over 4 million documents including journal articles, conference proceedings and standards from the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers and its publishing partners.
Note: The ATU Libraries' subscription includes full text access to journals, conference proceedings and some standards. It does not include full text access to ebooks.
Available from the library web site:
You may need to enter your ATU Sligo user name and password:
Students: and ATU Sligo Password
Staff: and ATU Sligo Password
For example, type the term semiconductor in the search box
(The system automatically provides you with a series of similar terms from which you may choose. To ignore the suggestions and retain the word(s) you entered, Click the cursor in a blank portion of the screen)
You are presented with a list of articles. Under Show on the left of the screen, tick My Subscribed Content to limit results to items in ATU Sligo library’s subscription which have full text.
To see the full text of an article on the list, Click the pdf link. To see details of one of the items on the list, Click the title.
When viewing a list of references, there are a number of ways to limit it.
Click on Advanced Search (under the basic search box)
Type semiconductor in the first box and “circuit breaker” in the second box. In both cases choose Document Title from the drop down menu after in. Click Search
Both these words will appear in the titles of articles shown on the list of results.
You can browse journals and other publications by Clicking on Browse at the top of the screen. You are provided with a drop down menu of publication types. Note again that ATU Libraries' subscription does not include access to ebooks.
Additional help is available by Clicking the ? icon or by choosing one of the topics under Learn More to the right of the search box on the Advanced Search Page. There is also a Help dropdown menu towards the top of the page.