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There are two information resources available through IHS:
Click on one or other of these to open the resource.
This contains documents of relevance to the construction industry. Despite the title it includes documents from the UK. Many of the documents are in full text. It includes construction related standards but not all of these are in full text.
Note: For standards see also: i2i National Standards for ISO, EN and IS standards; BSOL for a selection of British Standards; IEEExplore for a selection of IEC standards.
Simple Search Example
Enter the term paving in the search box. The system automatically provides you with a series of similar terms from which you may choose. To ignore this and retain the word(s) you entered, Click the cursor in a blank portion of the screen. The dropdown menu at Search Options allows you to choose if you want to search content included in full text in your subscription (Within my Subscription Only) or include documents for which there is only bibliographic information (Within Every Supplement). You can also opt to show British Standard References even if the full text of the documents isn’t available in CIS.
Click on the title of a document in the column on the left
In the document detail screen towards the right, Click Download to view the full text.
Advanced Search Example
To use other IHS products Click Sign out (of CIS) and choose More IHS Markit Products to return to the Main screen where you can also search:
Click on the dropdown arrow to the left of the search box and choose All Content. Enter the term paving in the search box and Click . The results include links to supplier information. There is also an index of standards but these are not in full text.
Note: For standards see also: SAI Global for ISO, EN and IS standards; BSOL for a selection of British Standards; IEEExplore for a selection of IEC standards.