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Welcome! This guide will help you find the best information sources for Science


Welcome to the Library

This guide will help you:

  • find books, ebooks, journal articles and other information sources
  • manage your references and avoid plagiarism. 

Search our Collections

Search for books, ebooks, journal articles and more in our library discovery service.


  • When you find the book you want you'll see its shelf or class number, this will help you find it in the library.
  • For online items, like eBooks, click on the link to read online.


Top Science Databases


Content: Full-text journal articles

Subjects: Science, Technology, Computer Science

Web of Science

Content: Journal articles (abstracts)

Subjects: Science



Content: Full-text journal articles

Subjects: Nursing and Allied Health

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Health Source: Nursing

Content: Full-text journal articles

Subjects: Nursing and Allied Health

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BNF - British National Formulary

Content: Pharmaceutical reference book

Subjects: Pharmaceuticals


Content: Full-text journal articles

Subjects: Sport science, Sport management, Nutrition

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Taylor and Francis Online

Taylor & Francis Online

Contents: Full-text journal articles

Subjects: Health and Social Care, Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing

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Contents: Journal articles (full-text and abstracts)

Subjects:  Global warming, Pollution, Sustainable Agriculture, Renewable Energy, Recycling

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