When you find the book you want you’ll see a shelf or class number for print books, this will help you find it in the library. For eBooks, simply click on the link to read it online or download it (you’ll need your ATU login credentials to do this).
Each book that the library acquires is assigned a Dewey number that identifies its subject matter. This number can be found on the spine of the book. As Dewey is a numerical system the books are arranged on the shelves in numerical order. The following is the ten main classes of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system.
000 Computer science, information & general works
100 Philosophy & psychology
200 Religion
300 Social sciences
400 Language
500 Science
600 Technology
700 Arts & recreation
800 Literature
900 History & geography
The library has access to over 280,000 online books via a number of eBook collections to read and download for free. eBooks can be accessed from any device that has an Internet connection, so you don’t need to be in the Library to read them.
You can search all our eBook collections here or you can search individual collections by clicking on a collection title:
We have thousands of books, journal articles and reports in print and online but we don't have access to everything. So, if you find that we don’t hold an item that you need, you can use our Document Supply Service. This service provides access to books and journal articles which are held at other libraries in the Ireland and overseas.
BookRags | Digital Book Index | Free-ebooks.net | Google Books |
Project Gutenberg | Refdesk.com | World Public Library Association |
Found a book we haven't got that you think should be part of our collection?
Just email us the details.