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Publishing: a Guide for Researchers

Guide to information on Green and Gold open access


The THEA/IUG/TU agreement with Elsevier provides ATU staff and students with a subscription that provides access to Elsevier journals but also a set of open access Article Processing Charges (APCs). An  Article Processing Charge or publication fee may be paid by the author, the author's institution or their research funder. APCs are paid at the point of submission removing the need to charge for access to the reader.

The transformative agreement secured by the  ATU Library with Elsevier covers 25 article processing charges. These will be offered on a first come first served basis across the ATU.  


Agreement Period

January 2023 - December 2025
Requirements to avail of ATU's allocation

The author must be the first corresponding author affiliated with Atlantic Technological University. The corresponding author is the individual who takes primary responsibility for communication with the journal during the manuscript submission, peer review, and publication process.

The article must have a submission date between 1st January 2023 and 31st December 2025

The deal to facilitate open access publishing operates on a first come first served basis.

Please see the links below for the Elsevier/Science Direct agreement and ATU's full IReL journal list.

Elsevier/Science Direct
IReL Journal List including Elsevier titles


Eligible Authors

The corresponding author must be a current staff member or student of ATU at the time the article is accepted for publication. They must ensure their correct affiliation details are known to the publisher at this time. Requests to publish OA under the agreement are subject to approval by ATU.

Please Note:  Staff and students must compete nationally for the APCs allocated via the IReL agreement.

All Irish authors publishing with Elsevier will continue to be able to post copies of their articles to their institutions’ open access institutional repositories.