This agreement gives current staff and students the ability to make their articles accepted for publication in eligible Wiley journals open access, without the author paying an article processing charge (APC). Journals included for OA publishing are all Wiley hybrid (partially open access) and Gold (fully open access) journals.
Please see links below to the Wiley agreement and ATU's full IReL journal list.
The corresponding author must be a current staff member or student of ATU at the time the article is accepted for publication. They must ensure their correct affiliation details are known to the publisher at this time. Requests to publish OA under the agreement are subject to approval by ATU.
The Wiley quota for fully OA journals is now fully used, IReL-funded OA will not be offered to authors for the rest of 2024.
The quota to publish OA in Wiley hybrid journals is still available,
Please Note: Unlike the Elsevier Science Direct agreement no set allocation of APCs has been assigned for ATU researchers. Staff and students must compete nationally for the APCs allocated via the IReL agreement.