Image from the International ISBN Agency Website
An ISBN is an International Standard Book Number. ISBNs were 10 digits in length up to the end of December 2006, but since 1 January 2007 they now always consist of 13 digits. ISBNs are calculated using a specific mathematical formula and include a check digit to validate the number.
The International ISBN Agency assigns unique group prefixes and ranges to each national ISBN registration agency and this ensures that each ISBN that is issued is unique worldwide.
National ISBN Agencies allocate lists of ISBNs to publishers.
The ISBN Agency for Ireland is Nielsen Books. In addition to ISBNs, Nielsen provide a number of services to the book trade in Ireland and the UK, including the database Nielsen Bookdata which helps promote published titles to Booksellers and the SAN agency which assigns standard address numbers to facilitate e-commerce between businesses in the book trade.
ATU Library has purchased a list of ISBNs. These are administered by the Yeats Library and are available to be used on books published by ATU staff or students. This, in effect, means that Atlantic Technological University is the publisher of these books.
Anyone within ATU who is producing a book can apply to the Yeats Library for an ISBN by emailing:
They should provide the following details of the book they wish to publish: Author, Title, Date/Year of Publication, brief description of the type of publication.
The Library will provide an ISBN and the individual producing the book must put the following information on it:
On the Title Page: Atlantic Technological University, [Year Published]
On the Title Page Verso (back of the Title Page): (c) Atlantic Technological University, [Year Published]
The ISBN may also be put as a barcode on the back cover of the book.