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Information Literacy

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Why is Information Literacy so important?

It is vital that students have the skills to enable them to use the wide range of information sources available online and in print.


Students need to be able to retrieve, evaluate and use information effectively. By helping students to develop information literacy skills, we can contribute to their academic success and help our graduates become independent and successful lifelong learners.


During your time in the ATU, you will be expected to read course materials to inform and educate yourself with the subjects you are studying and to write assignments set out by your lecturers. The majority of the material is provided as recommended reading lists, printed course packs or links to electronic copies of books and articles provided through ATU’s VLE LearnOnline.

However, you will also be expected to develop your learning and do research beyond what is set by your lecturers to show your understanding of the subjects you are studying. This requires you to search, find and evaluate information independently on the topics you are studying. To do this effectively, you need good information skills. With information accessible in various formats and quality, it is important that students have the skills needed to allow them to use the variety of information resources available and to retrieve, evaluate and use that information successfully.

Information literacy is defined as:

“the set of skills needed to find, retrieve, analyse, and use information” 

(American Library Association, 2000).

What it is & why we need it

How the Library Helps

The library offers training to all students to equip them to use and understand the library, recognise that information is available in a variety of formats, determine when information is needed and find it, evaluate the quality of information, and use information ethically and legally.

The library has professional staff that has the means and skills to help students become competent and skilled learners.

The library has all the resources to assist students with their academic journey.

All teaching staff can integrate Information Literacy into their courses. We have many options for including Information Literacy skills to support students in achieving their course learning outcomes. Library staff can deliver instruction online, come to your class for a single instruction session, or as frequently as you want.

Information Literacy Instruction

Good information literacy skills help you successfully find, use and evaluate information which is key to academic success and lifelong learning.

The library offers Information Literacy Instruction sessions which aim to provide students with the key competencies to learn information literacy skills.


Exploring academic books, ebooks, scholarly journals, peer review and fake news. Introducing Dewey and how to locate items in the library spaces.



Searching the library's online collections using Search + Find, refining and focusing search results. A summary of databases and evaluating resources.



Defining copyright & plagiarism, what they are and what to do to avoid plagiarism.



Explaining the importance of citing and referencing your sources. Explaining the basic principles of referencing using the Harvard (or APA) styles.



ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education articulates the set of abilities required to identify, find, locate and evaluate information to meet a research need.

Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education advances the knowledge, skills and abilities of information literacy and grounds them into threshold concepts needed to move to the next step in the learning process.

SCONUL Seven Pillar of Information Literacy defines core abilities and understandings of information literacy in higher education.

Fake News

Always try to STOP, THINK, CHECK that what you are seeing, reading or hearing is accurate and reliable.

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