This training material on the library’s eResources and databases offers an overview of our resources and some tips and techniques to help improve your information and digital literacy skills. The material aims to help you develop skills enabling you to effectively carry out literature searches using Search + Find, the library discovery service and some key databases, looking at how to use advanced search techniques and create personal accounts.
1. Identify and locate library eResources and databases and know how they are organized so as to identify the range of information sources and formats available;
2. Recognize that the relevance of resources will vary depending on the needs and nature of the research;
3. Understand how to use effective search techniques, such as Boolean operators, truncation, field-specific and phrase searching in order to retrieve relevant results;
4. Know how to use filters to narrow, broaden, or modify a search based on initial search results;
5. Be aware of the functionality offered by databases in filtering, saving and citing results and personalization features to create alerts and stay up to date.
Glossary of terms to explain library jargon.
All definitions are provided by the Association of College and Research Libraries.
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