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Accessibility and the Library

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Enhancing Library Services for Students with Diverse Learning Abilities: A Collaborative Approach


This project demonstrates a collaborative effort aimed at enhancing the student experience for all students, and particularly those with diverse learning abilities. Partnering with students from various faculties at ATU Sligo, including individuals with ADHD, autism, dyslexia and physical disabilities, the project focused on analysing library spaces, services and resources through their unique perspectives and understanding the concept of ‘Library Anxiety’ in the wider student population. 

The Library Anxiety Survey highlighted the positive perception of library services among students, particularly the in-class library sessions connecting services, supports and resources to their curriculum and the importance of library spaces to students as learning environments outside the classroom.  

Working specifically with students with diverse learning abilities, they reviewed the library's physical infrastructure, website and resources to give feedback, and were offered personalised support for Semester 1 assignments. The result of this dedicated staff support led to notable improvements in student research focus, assignment submission punctuality and overall satisfaction with the quality of their academic work. 

Through direct engagement with students in roundtable discussions and 1:1s, other new practical changes to be actioned include improvements in signage, a book retrieval service, website redesign and the creation of a promotional video. 

In conclusion, this project underscores the importance of fostering collaboration between academic libraries and students with diverse learning needs to ensure equitable access to, and awareness of, library resources and support services. Moving forward, increased engagement with on-campus partners will be crucial in disseminating information about the range of available library supports, thereby further enhancing the inclusivity of the academic environment for all students.
