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The library receives a copy of major theses awarded at ATU. This collection comprises thousands of volumes of primary research in all taught subject areas.


Selected theses are presented to the library and are available to registered ATU staff and students. They may be accessed online, with copyright restrictions, using your ATU login and password. Some older theses are here held in bound hardcopy at your campus library.

  • Printed theses are for viewing in the library only and are held in the desk reserve area behind the information desk.
  • Online theses can be viewed from any location, some are available on open access others require your ATU login credentials to access the full text.
  • ATU's copyright terms and conditions apply.
  • Please note some researchers have requested that their theses are not made available for consultation immediately or, in some cases, at all. 

Searching for Theses in the Library

The easiest way to find a print thesis in ATU Library on a particular topic, is to key in 'and thesis' in the search box with your search term and selecting 'dissertation' in the content type filter. 


  • You can search by title, author or keywords. 
  • Once you have typed in what you are looking for in the library's search bocx, use the left hand panel on the results page to select Dissertations/Theses under Source Type to limit the results to dissertations and theses only.
  • If the thesis is in print take note of the class number, go to the library desk and request the thesis for consultation purposes using the unique class number. 
  • If the thesis is online click on the 'Full Text' or 'Online Access' button to view the thesis online. If you are viewing an undergraduate thesis you will be prompted to enter your ATU email address and network password.

Postgraduate Theses

Research@THEA is our shared institutional repository. An institutional repository is an online collection of the academic work of an institute.

This can include:

  • theses 
  • journal articles
  • conference papers
  • book chapters
  • research datasets

This repository makes research from ATU available online.

See our Research@THEA LibGuide for more information. 

Irish Institutional Repositories 

Theses and Research from other Universities

You can locate details of theses submitted in other Universities from the following open access sources:

  • BASE, operated by Bielefeld University Library, is one of the world's biggest search engines especially for academic open access web resources.
  • DART-Europe is a partnership of research libraries and library consortia who are working together to improve global access to European research theses.
  • Digital Commons Network is one of the biggest repositories in the academic world, bringing together free, full-text scholarly articles from universities and colleges worldwide.
  • EThOS offers free access to the full text of selected UK theses.
  • Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations is a global digital library of theses and dissertations.
  • Open Access theses and dissertations aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world.

There are many other open access resources available, all include theses and dissertations as a content type.

See our LibGuide on Open Access for further information.

PQDT Open provides the full text of open access dissertations and theses free of charge. You can quickly and easily locate dissertations and theses relevant to your discipline and view the complete text in PDF format.

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