The main advantage of eBooks is their online availability, users are not dependent on the library opening times, you can access an eBook 24/7, provided you are authorised to do so.
The availability of eBooks will be dependent on many different characteristics such as host, publisher, licence agreement, library access model. E-formats will vary, there is no service that can provide all eBooks in the same manner, and ATU users will notice this with the library's eBook collection.
The majority of eBooks at ATU may be read online, and some can be downloaded by staff and students, using the usual authorisation method of keying your user ID and password. Many of the eBook hosts such as Ebsco, Proquest Ebook Central will allow ATU users to create personal accounts with which you login in order to read online or download an eBook.
It is easy to recognise eBook titles when they are retrieved in your search results.
Here are some screen shots that may help you identify when you are looking at eBooks:
1. Key a search topic on the library homepage,
you can then filter by eBooks Only:
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2. Keyword Search OR Browse eBooks by Collection
3. Ebooks link from a browse list / results list
4. Full Text links from a Search + Find Record: