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eResources & Databases

Information on the online collections available at ATU

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A website is information about a particular subject that is accessible on the internet. 


Below is a list of useful websites relating to general areas of study in ATU.

Active Reviewing Guide
Age Related Health Care
Annual Reports from
Archives Hub - archives in UK universities and colleges
Art Cyclopedia - great art on the internet - e-prints in physics, mathematics etc.
BASIS - Business Access to State Information
Biz Ed
Blue - modules provided by Irish academic Institutions.
Bord Altranais - Irish Nursing Board
British Companies - the best of British
Buildings of Ireland - National Inventory of Architectural Heritage
CAROL - Company Annual Reports
Citizens Information
Cochrane Library - delivering information for healthcare decision making
Coillte Blanket Bog Restoration Project
Coillte Raised Bog Restoration Project
Coillte Woodland Restoration
College of Psychiatry of Ireland
Combat Poverty Agency
Construct Pro
Courts Service - Irish Courts Service
Crafts Council of Ireland
DART Europa E-theses Portal
Derek Bruff - teaching with classroom response systems
Department of Health & Children
Discovery Programme - investigating Ireland's past
DRIVER - Digital Repository Infrastructure Vision for European Research
ECCH - dedicated to promoting the case method of learning - for all things web related
Emptech - information resources on assistive technologies
European Institute for Outdoor Adventure Education and Experiential Learning
Epicurious - world's greatest recipe collection
ERIC - Education Resources Information Centre
EU Bookshop - publications from the EU institutions & agencies
Europa - gateway to the European Union - database of Irish Excavation Reports
Free Full pdf - free scientific articles, patents & theses - masterpieces of American cinema
Find it Ireland - dictionary of Irish terms
Gaeilge ar an Ghréasán
Galway City Council
Galway County Council
Galway Online
Getty - Explore Art
Golden Pages
Grad Ireland Jobs
Hardin MD
Hathi Trust
Health Service Executive (HSE)
Health & Safety Authority
Health Service Reform Programme
Heritage Council of Ireland
Heritage of Ireland
Institute for Outdoor Learning - encourages outdoor learning
Internet Archive - universal access to human knowledge
Ireland Business Finfacts
Irish Archeology on the Internet
Irish Association for Economic Geology
Irish Child Health Database
Irish Government Website
Irish Health Repository
Irish History Online
Irish Internet Association
Irish Judgments
Irish Law Reform Commission
Irish Medical Directory
Irish Nurses Organisation
Irish Roots
Irish Social Sciences Data Archive
Irish Society for Quality & Safety in Healthcare
Irish Spatial Data Exchange
Irish Standards Catalogue Online
Irish Statute Book
Irish Revenue Commission
ISSDA - Irish Social Science Data Archive
IVRLA - Irish Virtual Research library Archive Repository
Language Courses
Law Reform Commision
Lenus - the Irish Health Repository
Louvre - database of American art
MANTRA - research data management training
Mayo On the Move
Mental Health Commission
Museum of Modern Art
National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing & Midwifery
National Forum on Europe
National Gallery
National Gallery of Ireland
National Hospital's Office
National Strategy for Action on Suicide Prevention
Neils Toolbox - reference generators & plagiarism tester
NIVAL - National Irish Visual Arts Library
NMAP - Nursing, Midwifery and the Allied Health Professions
Nurse to Nurse
Nursing Net
OAIster - catalogue of internet resources
ODYSSEE - energy efficiency indicators in Europe
Office of the Information Commissioner Ireland
OMNI - Health and Medicine
PADDI - Planning Architecture Design Database Ireland
Pat - satirical periodical
Pavee Point - promoting travellers' rights
Planet Ark
Public Jobs
Public Library of Science
Read Ireland
Reference Research
Research Now - database of scholarly information
Research and Markets
Research in Experiential Learning
Rethink Mental Illness
Rhizome - connecting art & technology
Science in Europe
Scottish Recovery Network
Solo Check - Irish company and Irish director searches
SORA - Searchable Ornithological Research Archive
Stepstone - online career services & recruitment solutions
Student Response Systems - UW-System clicker project
Tax World
Teach - anatomy, physiology, training and fitness
Trip Database - evidence based medicine
Virtual Library
Virtual Training Suite - to help you develop Internet research skills
Voice of the Shuttle - humanities research
Wilderdom - project in natural living & transformation
World Heath Organization
W3Schools - the largest web developer's site on the web
Zetoc - TOC's of journals & conference proceedings

Tips for Evaluating Websites


• Is the information reliable and error-free?
• Is there an editor or someone who checks the information?


• What are the author’s qualifications for writing on this subject?


• What are the topics included in the work?


• Is the content of the work up-to-date?
• Is the publication date clearly labelled?
• Broken links are one measure of an out-of-date page


• Is the information presented with a minimum of bias?
• To what extent is the information trying to sway the opinion of the audience?

See our Evaluating Information, Fake News and Google Scholar LibGuides for more information. 

Recommend a Resource

Found a good free web resource not listed here?

Just email us the details.
