There are a few different ways to add references to your online EndNote library account:
When entering authors:
This method can also be used for many of our EBSCO databases, including:
Perform your search and select the title you require
Click on the ‘Export’ button and choose ‘EndNote Online’.
Click ‘Export’ again
Your reference will be added (a symbol will appear to show it has been added to EndNote).
Use the method above to export references from the following databases:
Conduct your search and click on the title you want
After the Abstract, you will see an example of the citation of this reference and a link to ‘Download as .RIS’. Click this link.
The file will download to your computer
Open the downloaded file, enter your email and EndNote Online password. The reference is now exported to EndNote
Click on the title you require
Click ‘About this book’ halfway down the screen
Scroll down to the bottom of the page
Click the ‘Refman’ button (not EndNote!)
Open the downloaded file
References are exported to EndNote Online
Click the button on the top left of the screen and then the ‘Settings’ button
Under ‘Bibliography Manager’ (at bottom of page), select ‘RefMan’
Click ‘Save’
Conduct your search
Click ‘Import into RefMan’ under the reference you want
Log into your EndNote Online account, if requested
References are exported to EndNote
Perform your search and select the title you require
Click ‘Download citation’
Choose format ‘RIS’
‘Download citations’
A file will be downloaded to your computer
Open the downloaded file, enter your email and EndNote Online password.
The reference is now exported to EndNote
Some databases do not offer direct export to EndNote Online, so you need to import the references instead: