The Cite While You Write (CWYW) function allows you to search your EndNote Online library for references, insert the references into your Word document, and instantly format the citations and bibliography in your chosen referencing style.
It is best to select your favourite referencing styles in EndNote Online first, before choosing it in MS Word.
EndNote Online
Your style(s) will now appear on the EndNote Online Tab in MS Word
MS Word
The citation will then appear in text and the full reference will appear at the end of the document (reference list).
If you have inserted references in your document and then want to remove them or edit them, you need to use the 'Edit Citation' option on the EndNote tab in MS Word.
You may wish to remove the Author(s)' name(s) from the citation if your citation is in the sentence with author prominent (e.g. Smith (2018) argues that climate change is inevitable.).
You may want to add another citation beside a previous citation
Page numbers are needed in your citation if you are using a direct quotation or are including a figure or table from published sources.
It is recommended that you convert your finalised document to plain text before submitting for assessment or publication. Converting to plain text creates a second copy of the document which isn't linked to your EndNote Online Library. This also allows you to make manual changes to your references.
Click the ‘Convert Citations and Bibliography’ drop down menu
Select ‘Convert to Plain Text’.
Be sure to 'Save' your document as you will need the version of the document with the EndNote coding for future editing. Note: if you can't tell the 2 documents apart, click on a citation and if it is in grey highlight, this is the one with EndNote coding.