EndNote Online has a roaming profile feature that allows users to log into EndNote Online from any computer or device. Roaming is available if you have EndNote Online through an institutional subscription to the Web of Science (ATU has this). You can roam for twelve months before you need to log in with an authenticated session.
If you do not log into Web of Science or EndNote Online from an ATU IP authenticated machine or device at least once every 12 months, you will receive a message "Your roaming access has expired" when you sign into EndNote Online and go to 'Options' and 'Subscription'. At this point, you will lose access to all ATU custom Bibliographic styles available on your EndNote Online account. However, you will still be able to access references, groups created by you and shared with others when the roaming has expired.
When you have downloaded the EndNote plug-in and opened up Microsoft Word, you may see the new EndNote tab on your Word toolbar labelled EndNote 21. This refers to the EndNote desktop. It is straightforward to link your Word documents to EndNote Online.
Ensure you have NO Microsoft applications open (especially Word) when you download the Cite While You Write (CWYW) tool. To download the CWYW tool, go to 'Downloads' on the EndNote Online website (see here for instructions).
This may be a problem with the cache on your PC. You need to delete the browsing history, temporary internet files and cookies stored on your machine as follows:
Internet Explorer:
You need to update your EndNote Cite While Your Write preferences.
There may be a prompt during the installation that requires for a credential to be inserted. The prompt is actually a security feature of the device itself, where users would need to input the device's password in order to continue with the installation.
After the user has installed the plugin, when the user is using the CWYW plugin for the first time, they will then be prompted to enter their EndNote Online account email address & password.
What you are seeing is the hidden field codes in Word which EndNote Online uses to hold the reference information for your formatted citations. To fix the problem:
Hit ALT + F9 (Option + F9 on Mac) on your keyboard to toggle field codes. If you are still seeing the codes, proceed with the steps below:
You have accidentally converted your citations to 'unformatted'. 'Unformatted' is a way to temporarily turn off the EndNote coding (e.g. when joining together different chapters from different Word documents). To change it back to normal, all you need do is click on 'Update Citations and Bibliography' on the EndNote toolbar in MS Word.
The window may contain a reference, or text, that is not a reference. Here are a few possible explanations for the window appearing when you format the bibliography:
When you format your document with EndNote, EndNote will scan your document for any text surrounded by temporary citation delimiters (the delimiters usually are the curly brackets "{Smith, 2020, Food Safety in Ireland}"). If you have text that is not a citation, but is surrounded by these delimiters, EndNote will think it's a citation and try to format it. Since it's actually text, and not a citation, EndNote will not be able to match that text with anything in your library, and that's why you get the ‘EndNote select matching reference dialogue’.
In this situation, you should click the Ignore button. Then find the part of your paper that has {curly brackets} and change those curly brackets to [square] or regular parentheses. This should fix that problem and you can continue referencing as usual (to test it, after you’ve removed the squiggles just go to the endnote menu in word and select ‘update citations and bibliography’).
If you are going through the process of locating and inserting the correct references using this dialog, do not at any point click on the "Cancel" button. Clicking "Cancel" will cancel any changes that you have made, and any references that you have inserted in this select matching reference session will be lost. If you need to take a break during this process, click the "Ignore All" button instead, which will skip all the rest of the unmatched citations and format the ones you have inserted.
You may be merging chapters for your thesis and have converted your documents to 'Unformatted Citations' to merge them together (for further information on this, see https://atlantictu.libguides.com/endnote/troubleshooting#transfer%20Word%20refs). The 'Select Matching Reference' window may come up when you click 'Update Citations and Bibliography' to convert it back to normal.
Replace the search term in the ‘Endnote select matching reference’ window with just the author’s name. When the reference comes up in the window, just highlight it in blue and click ‘insert’
There may be a stray field code in your document that you can't see because it's hidden, but EndNote can see it when you format the bibliography. Search your document in MS Word for the text to see if it's just text in your document that happens to be surrounded by the same delimiters that you are using for your EndNote temporary citations.
If you can't find the text anywhere in your document, then it might be a hidden field code, so try the following:
Make a backup copy of your Word document.
Unformat the citations in your document (in Word, go to EndNote tab > Convert Citations and Bibliography menu > Convert to Unformatted citations).
Starting from the top of your document, scroll through your document. If you see any text highlighted in grey, then this is a field code. We are looking for any EndNote field codes that are still left in the document. There should be none since we unformatted citations. If you see page numbers in grey, you can leave these alone. If you see any field codes that look like an EndNote field code, delete them. Go back to File > Options and untick the ‘Show Field Codes instead of their values’ box. Go back to the EndNote tab on Word and click ‘Update Citations and Bibliography’. See if you still get the select matching reference dialogue for the text you originally saw. Hopefully not!
If you still see the author, year and text from the title coming up in the ‘Endnote select matching reference’ window, replace the search term with just the author’s name. When the reference comes up in the window, just highlight it in blue, click ‘insert’ and all should be fine!
NO!! If you want to copy and paste and alter things in your assignment, turn off formatting first.
Every EndNote citation in your Word document includes a large number of field codes which you cannot see. The grey text that you can see when you click on a citation alerts you to the presence of the field codes. These field codes can easily become corrupted. Here’s what to do before you start changing things in your assignment:
Don’t just press delete on the keyboard!! You will have problems with codes if you do this. It is essential to use the ‘Edit Citation(s)’ command in Word whenever you want to delete citations. Never use the delete or backspace keys to remove citations, and never cut and paste citations to move them to another position.
If you are working on a Word document and encountering persistent errors such as Word crashing, bibliographies appearing multiple times and/or deleted items reappearing then you may have residual EndNote field codes in your document. Residual field codes can affect your document if you do not delete EndNote citations/references properly (using Edit Citations > Remove Citation instead of the delete key) when working with Word.
To remove residual EndNote field codes and 'clean up' your Word document:
To ensure residual field codes do not cause problems again in the future, remember to delete EndNote citations/references properly if you need to (Highlight > Edit and Manage Citations > Remove Citation) instead of using the delete key.
Change your password to a password that doesn't contain these symbols. Login to your EndNote online account. Choose 'Options' then 'Password'.
Login to your EndNote online account before you open Word
By default, EndNote Online will select the last word in the author field as a surname. So, for example, an organisation like Health Service Executive will appear as 'Executive, H.S.' in the reference if is not entered correctly on the EndNote Online website. To make sure this comes out right, all you need to do is add a comma at the end of the organisation's name in the author field e.g. Health Service Executive,
If the organisation already has a comma in it (For example, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, you will need to put a double comma where the comma ordinarily appears (e.g. Department of Agriculture,, Food and the Marine).
You do not need a comma at the end of the name like in the first example, only the double comma if the name has a comma in the name.
If you are using the Harvard style, the corporate author name with 2 commas may not display correctly in the in-text citation in your document. If so, then follow these steps:
When you are working on your own devices, your EndNote Online account may not be linked to our ATU subscription to the Web of Science. Before doing the following, please close off all your MS Word documents that may be open.
You will see a box appear with a list of all available styles on the left-hand side and any of your chosen favourite styles on the right-hand side. If you have not chosen any favourite styles yet, this will be empty. Select the style you want from the left-hand side and click 'Copy to Favorites'. You will see this style in your list of 'My Favorites'. This should now appear in your list of available styles in MS Word when you open it.
Why can I only see a short list of styles in Word?
Have you selected favourite styles in EndNote online?
Do you also use Mendeley? EndNote and Mendeley don't work well together. You'll need to turn off the Add-in for Mendeley every time you open up Word.
To combine several Word documents into a single document with a single bibliography at the end (e.g. thesis or dissertation), follow these steps:
This procedure will create a formatted Microsoft Word document with one bibliography at the end.
When you insert an EndNote citation into a Word document, all of the reference data is inserted into the document in the form of coding. Therefore, when you make changes in EndNote Online, you will need to 'refresh' this coding to reflect any changes in your EndNote Online library. The best thing to do here is:
You can then make your changes in EndNote Online and insert the citation once more. The Reference list will update immediately.
EndNote Online puts invisible coding into MS Word which controls the formatting of your Reference List. If you need to make any changes to the layout of the references, wait until you have finished your work and then make a back up.
You have accidentally converted your citations to 'unformatted'. 'Unformatted' is a way to temporarily turn off the EndNote coding (e.g. when joining together different chapters from different Word documents). To change it back to normal, all you need do is click on 'Update Citations and Bibliography' on the EndNote toolbar in MS Word.
Your references should appear in your 'Unfiled' group of references in EndNote Online.
With some Bibliographic styles, your references may appear in your Reference list in your Word document without the required line spacing. To change this:
There may be a prompt during the installation that requires for a credential to be inserted. The prompt is actually a security feature of the device itself, where users would need to input the device's password in order to continue with the installation.
After you have installed the plugin, when you are using the CWYW plugin for the first time, you will then be prompted to enter your EndNote Online account email address & password.
Afterwards, your access to the CWYW Plugin should be good to go.
Apple has a new M1 chip (used in the new Macbook Air, Macbook Pro and Mac Mini) and some apps (including Word) need updates as a result.
MacOS users may need to complete the following steps to enable export from databases and Google Scholar to EndNote:
If EndNote does not appear in the list, select 'Other' and search for EndNote. Once EndNote has been selected, click on 'Change all'.
There are known problems using Direct Export with Chrome and current Safari browsers on a MacOS system. In most cases, instead of importing directly into EndNote™, the browser will instead save a file onto the Desktop. This is due to the way these browsers handle MIME types; they interfere with the ability to directly export from certain websites into EndNote.
Try accessing the website and exporting using a Mozilla-based browser instead (see http://www.firefox.com/). Mozilla-based browsers like Firefox allow you to specify how to handle the data when you initiate a direct export, permitting you to select the EndNote application.
If you minimize your library before you try to export from FireFox it will not get imported. You need to leave the library open and not minimized for it to directly import into the open library.