A reference list usually appears at the end of your assignment. This includes all the references that you have cited in your document.
A Bibliography is sometimes also used. This can contain references that you have consulted during the course of your research, but not actually cited in the text of your assignment. These reference sources may be of interest to the reader. This is usually for larger documents such as theses or books.
Allen, A. (2024) … |
Coyne, A.B. (2024) … |
Marketing research in Ireland: theory and practice |
Irish Journal of Management |
Essentials of Irish business law |
Dublin |
Hoboken, N.J. |
Fáilte Ireland (2024) Explore the discovery points along the Wild Atlantic Way. Available at: https://www.discoverireland.ie/wild-atlantic-way/incredible-places-to-experience-the-wild-atlantic-way (Accessed: 23 April 2024).
Ferguson, C.J. (2024) 'Longitudinal associations between social media use and mental health outcomes in sample of Irish youth: a brief report', Communication Reports, 37(1), pp. 75-86. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/08934215.2023.2298948.
Lyons, R. (2014) 'The spread of rents in Ireland, over time and space', in L. Sirr (ed.) Renting in Ireland: the social, voluntary and private sectors. Dublin: Institute of Public Administration.
McGuire, P. (2024) '‘Too many of us are stressed and losing sleep’: Students explain why school needs to change', The Irish Times, 23 April. Available at: https://www.irishtimes.com/ireland/education/2024/04/23/too-many-of-us-are-stressed-and-losing-sleep-students-on-how-school-needs-to-change/ (Accessed: 23 April 2024).
Mintel (2022) Supermarket Retailing - Brand vs Own-label - Ireland - 2022. Available at: https://clients.mintel.com/ (Accessed: 17 January 2023).
O'Neill, T. (2014) The Irish hand: scribes and their manuscripts from the earliest times. Cork: Cork University Press.