Tables usually show numerical values or text and are almost always characterized by a row-column structure. Any type of illustration other than a table is referred to as a figure.
Tables must be identified with the word "Table" and include a title and source. As with figures, there are 3 elements to include:
If you are writing a thesis with a lot of tables, they should be referenced in a List of Tables. In a shorter assignment, where you might have included only one or two tables, you can reference them in your bibliography or reference list.
For a table, the number and title by which it can be identified are written above the fields of data. However, the actual source citation is placed beneath the table in the same way as a graph or figure. Use ‘Adapted from’ if the table has been altered in any way from the original.
Table 1: Economic and Social Change in Ireland from 1973-2023
(Adapted from Source: Central Statistics Office, 2023)
Make specific reference to each table. Do not assume that the reader will make the necessary connection between the text and the table. Write something about each table.
Ex: Each sample tested positive for the three nutrients (see Table 2).
Refer to each table in the text by its number (e.g. Table 5).
Remember to guide the reader in interpreting the information in the table. What does the table show? What specific point are you making?
Central Statistics Office (2023) 1973 – 2023. Ireland and the EU at 50. Available at: (Accessed: 12 June 2024).
A reference within the text to a table, graph, diagram, etc. taken from a source should include the author, date and page number in brackets to enable the reader to identify the data.
If the table is altered in any way from the original source, add 'Adapted from source'.
Table 7: Problem-solving strategies
(Source: Lazzara, 2021, p. 542). CC BY 4.0.
Table 7 (Lazarra, 2021, p. 542) shows that different problem-solving strategies have different action plans associated with them.
Lazzara, J. (2021) Introduction to psychology. Phoenix, AZ: MCCCD. Available at: (Accessed 9 May 2022).
If the source is from a journal article (print or electronic) or from a web document with page numbers, add the page number to the in-text citation.
If the table is altered in any way from the original source, add 'Adapted from source'.
(Adapted from Source: Central Statistics Office, 2021)
(Source: Flanagan, 2022, p. 5). Reproduced with permission from XYZ Publishers.
The most frequently used font colours by students in their PowerPoint presentations is shown in Table 2.
Flanagan, H. (2022). ‘Student presentations’, Journal of Trends in Technology, 10(1), pp. 1-10.
The source of the table below is a webpage, so page numbers are not included in the caption underneath the table.
If the table is taken from a web document that has page numbers, include them after the date.
If the table has been copied from a source, then you have amended it, add ‘amended from’ or 'adapted from' in the caption underneath (e.g. Amended from Source: Smith, 2022).
Table 1: House Asking Prices, Residential Sales in Ireland (2012 average=100)
(Adapted from Source:, 2024)
Table 1 shows the trends in house price increases over the last 11 years compared to a base line in 2012 (, 2024). (2024) Irish house price report Q1 2024. Available at: (Accessed: 17 June 2024).